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Wednesday, October 22, 2014

October -Visitors and YSA

 October seemed to be the best travel month for Stephen and Leone and Mark and Sarah.  They planned their trip so they could spend the middle of the week together in London.  Mark and Sarah came to see us the first few days of the week, they spent the next few days with Stephen and Leone. Then Stephen and Leone came at the end of the week.  If our car could accommodate more than 5 passengers, they could have visited us at the same time. As it was, we took both of them on separate trips to Bath and Lacock.  I think we have been to Bath eight times now! However, we never tire of it.  Our next guests will be Jim and Kristene and James and Diana, which calls for one more trip to Bath!


Solemn Guard who...
... only had eyes for Sarah

Lacock Church Wedding 


Windsor Castle with Mark and Sarah

Beautiful day with Stephen and Leone at Hampton Court Palace

Regency Ballroom in Bath where Jane Austen danced

    YSA activities are going strong, and many active new students have joined us. 

FHE at Ikea where three teams took crazy photos in designated departments to seek after the prize.  Fun times!
The Winning Team!
FHE in Portsmouth

Transfers for Elder Avenejan

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